Inter-RIR vs Intra-RIR transfers: the difference explained

There are two types of IP transfers: Inter-RIR and Intra-RIR transfers. Learn about the differences and their impact on business decision-making.

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Inter-RIR vs Intra-RIR transfers: the difference explained

When it comes to transferring IPv4 addresses, there are two main ways to do it: Inter-RIR and Intra-RIR. But what's the difference between the two, and which one is right for your business? After all, understanding the difference between these two types of transfers is crucial when it comes to making informed decisions about your IPv4 address space. Let's take a closer look at inter-RIR vs Intra-RIR transfers.

Inter-RIR transfers

Inter-RIR transfers are address transfers from one Regional Internet Registry (RIR) to another. This usually happens when a company acquires IP address space from an entity registered with another RIR. For example, if a company in the United States wants to acquire IP address space from a company in Germany, it must transfer the IP addresses from RIPE (the RIR for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia) to ARIN (the RIR for North America).

Intra-RIR transfers

Intra-RIR transfers indicate a transfer within the same RIR. This typically happens when a company acquires IP address space from an entity registered with the same RIR as the acquiring party. For example, if a company in Germany wants to acquire IP address space from a company in The Netherlands, the transfer will typically be handled by RIPE (the RIR for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia).

The main difference between the two types of transfers is that Inter-RIR transfers require the consent of both RIRs involved, while Intra-RIR transfers only require the consent of the receiving RIR.

Why transfer IPv4 addresses?

There are several reasons why you might want to transfer IPv4 addresses. Perhaps you are consolidating your operations and no longer need as many addresses as before. Or maybe you're expanding into a new region and need more addresses than you have now. Whatever the reason, porting IPv4 addresses can be a great way to free up some space in your IP address pool.

If you're thinking about transferring IPv4 addresses, there are a few things to consider. First, make sure you understand the difference between Inter-RIR and Intra-RIR transfers. Second, remember that for an Inter-RIR transfer, you need the consent of both RIRs involved and for an Intra-RIR transfer, you only need the consent of the receiving RIR. And finally, remember that there may be costs associated with IPv4 address transfers.

What factors to take into account?

An important factor to consider with Inter-RIR transfers is that each RIR has its own policies, procedures and processes. This means you need to be familiar with all the different requirements before you can begin the transfer process. Another important factor to consider is the time frame in which the transfer will take place. Inter-RIR transfers can take several weeks to several months.

Intra-RIR transfers are usually much easier and faster than Inter-RIR transfers. However, there are still a few things to consider. First, you need to make sure that both RIRs involved in the transfer agree to the terms of the transfer. Second, you need to make sure that all the necessary paperwork is in order. And finally, you need to decide how you want the transfer to proceed (e.g., who pays for the transfer, who coordinates the transfer, etc.). Once you've taken all these factors into account, you should be able to make an informed decision about whether an Inter-RIR or Intra-RIR transfer is right for you.

Inter-RIR vs Intra-RIR: what you need to know

There are two main types of IPv4 address transfers: Inter-RIR and Intra-RIR. Inter-RIR requires the consent of both RIRs involved, while Intra-RIR only requires the consent of the receiving Regional Internet Registry. There may be fees associated with address transfers, so be sure to factor that into your decision. Keeping all this in mind will help with a successful transition if you decide that address transfers are right for your business.

Your partner in IPv4 transfers

With a strong and proven track record in the RIPE and ARIN region, Prefix Broker is a trusted partner in reliable IPv4 brokerage and is able to mediate between parties and handle all details of an IPv4 address transaction. Whether you want to buy IPv4 address space or are looking to sell IPv4 addresses, our committed team is here for you.

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Why use Prefix Broker?

Buying IPv4 addresses can be complicated and risky. Work with a knowledgeable, experienced broker who can guide you through the process start to finish. Prefix Broker has over a decade of experience in coordinating IPv4 address transactions. We ensure that transfers proceed in a fast and secure manner.

Relax while we handle the details
  • Research the supplying party to confirm they own right-to-use.
  • Check for any other limitations on the use of the IP addresses.
  • Negotiate agreement on price, timing, governing law and currency.
  • Assist in obtaining approval for the transfer by the RIR.

Contact us to discuss an IPv4 purchase today!

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