Policy to allow IPv4 PI transfer accepted (RIPE-623)
At the end of September 2014, the policy to allow transfer of PI (Provider Independent) space was accepted by the RIPE community.
Currently the RIPE NCC is busy working to implement the operational procedures and documents in order to facilitate the people who want to make use of the new options that this policy provides.
As the author of the policy (Erik Bais) is a director of Prefix Broker, we as Prefix Broker can assist customers who are looking for PI space and customers who are looking to sell their PI IP space.
We already have customers who signed up with Prefix Broker to transfer their PI space as soon as the RIPE NCC has implemented the policy.
More on that status can be found here.
If you have any questions on how to obtain PI space or how to sell your PI space, feel free to contact us.